Online Events
2022 online streaming results: more than 300 per year!
Our live streaming specialists, who can also handle real-life events, specialize in
a wide range of live streaming services.
General shareholders' meetings, company get-togethers, online tours,
award ceremonies, lectures, raffles, new product launches, academic conferences,
concerts, and more.
We can handle any type of streaming, including hybrid streaming, regardless of
the location, venue, or streaming application.
Some of our online event results
National Programming Competition for Elementary School Children
Nationwide Programming Competition for Children, in which newspapers across Japan unite to promote “Programming Education for Elementary School Students" was held in 2021.
We were in charge of the five-hour-long competition, including the management of the contestants, video production, and live streaming.
JA-ZENCHU (Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives) declares “Kokusho
Kokusan (national production for national consumption) Day”!
Taking the opportunity of the SDGs “Kokusho Kokusan Day” to think about
and act on sustainable food production and livable local communities.
We were in charge of the online symposium, including the day's streaming and
We were in charge of online streaming of the 70th Anniversary Ceremony of Chiba Keiai Junior College.